Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...siempre estara la musica

...λίγες φωτογραφίες,

στιγμές ακατέργαστες αθώες σαν παιδικές αναμνήσεις

μικρές ανάσες...

οι πρώτες σταγόνες ιδρώτα στο μέτωπο,

είμαι μαριονέττα μοιράζω τα άκρα μου,

χαρίζω ένα στη γη, και ένα στον ουρανό

δέος, ενδοφλέβιες δόσεις

ασύλληπτος μύθος,

απαράμιλλα riffs

ρουφιέται από το πλήθος

αυτό σημαίνει ζωή

χίλιες λέξεις

για πάντα μουσική
υ.γ. αφιερωμένο σε όλους αυτούς τους κυνικούς ανθρώπους που δεν νιώθουν την μουσική, δεν ταυτίζονται, σε εκείνους που θεωρούν ότι η μουσική δεν έχει αναθρέψει γενιές, δεν έχει συμβάλει στην διαμόρφωση ιδεολογίας, στην πολιτική, στην κινητοποίηση, στην επανάσταση, στην ψυχολογία, ακόμα και στην γέννηση
ενός παιδιού....λυπάμαι!


Anonymous said...

In the beginning
Back in nineteen fifty-five
Man didn't know about a rock 'n' roll show
And all that jive
The white man had the smoltz
The black man had the blues
No one knew what they was gonna do
But Tchaikovsky had the news
He said:

"Let there be light", and there was light
"Let there be sound", and there was sound
"Let there be drums", and there was drums
"Let there be guitar", and there was guitar

"Let there be rock"

And it came to pass
That rock 'n' roll was born
All across the land every rockin' band
Was blowing up a storm
The guitarman got famous
The businessman got rich
And in every bar there was a super star
With a seven year itch
There were fifteen million fingers
Learning how to play
And you could hear the fingers picking
And this is what they had to say

"Let there be light"
"Let there be rock"

One night in a club called `The Shaking Hand'
There was a ninety-two decibel rocking band
The music was good and the music was loud
And the singer turned and he said to the crowd

"Let there be rock"

Zarathustra said...

προσέθεσα ένα υστερόγραφο στο τέλος του ποστ...δεν έχω κάτι άλλο να πω...